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HR Issues

Ireland is tied with Finland as the most expensive country in the eurozone.
The Annual Competitiveness Report issued by the National Competitiveness Council (NCC) contains several disturbing findings:

· Ireland is now the joint most expensive country in the euro area for consumer goods and services, along with Finland
· Ireland ranks 4th most expensive of 16 countries for insurance premiums per capita
· Ireland ranks 3rd most expensive out of ten countries for landfill costs
· Ireland ranks 3rd most expensive of nine countries for industrial electricity costs

Speaking at the launch of the reports, Mr William Burgess, Chairperson, NCC said, “Ireland's immediate economic policy priority must be to further slow the growth of prices and costs. There is no automatic link between the emerging global economic recovery and resumption in strong Irish economic growth. Unless cost competitiveness is kept at the top of the political agenda, we could find that the global economic up-turn leaves Ireland behind.”

The full report can be downloaded from the NCC website reports page.

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